Build Race Party
Build Race Party
Rally On! How Jeremy Dutchess Designed and Built a Rally Racing Board Game.
Have you ever wanted to design and build your own board game? Jeremy Dutchess of Dudes and Dice built a rally racing game called Rally On. He’s in the final stages of the design process and is almost ready to release it. We sat down with Jeremy at The Performance Racing Industry Show to learn how he took a fast-paced sport like Rally and turned it into a board game.
We learned about technical features of the game, the game play, the considerations for car damage during the race and how it effects your time. We also heard how 3d printing changed the process of designing you own game and about testing the gameplay at the giant gaming conference called Gamecon.
Rally On will launch through Kickstarter to fund the initial production. If you want to know more, Check out their Instagram page: @dudesanddicellc or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dudesanddice/